You are not alone

Today I’d like to share my latest drawing, “You Are Not Alone” and the story behind it. In the last couple of days, on Instagram I saw a couple of plushy’s posts about mental health, anxiety and related struggles. That gave me the idea to create this little drawing.

“You are not alone” is a personal story. It is a story about my human & me and the time she was going through a series of panic attacks and anxiety that seemed to start out of nowhere. That was completely confusing to her as everything was going great in her life and then all of a sudden such a horror. Right at the time when the panic attacks started she got a gift, a cute little teddy bear made by @bukowskidesignofsweden. Are you guessing? It was me.

The Battle with Anxiety

I was always there for her and Marko, my other human was too 💚. I was there to talk, hug and listen. We read a lot of articles about anxiety and panic attacks as well as guides on how to learn to cope with it. She is a very positive person and that’s something that helped a lot in the process of learning to deal with it.

She was able to train herself and every time it happened she managed to deal with it a bit better. She never stopped working and doing things she loves. With time she straightened up some things from the past that were bothering her and accepted anxiety as a part of herself. This is where all started to feel better and easier. Today anxiety and panic attacks are very rare but it was a long ride and still is.

Story of the drawing

What I want to convey with this drawing and what helped my human a lot is to open yourself, not to be ashamed of anxiety. Really, it is a normal thing that happens to many people and can happen to anyone but people rarely talk about it. Just don’t fight it and take it as a part of yourself, don’t get angry at it. I know it is hard and terrible feeling cause you feel like you’re gonna die but you will not! It is trying to tell you something and you can learn a lot about yourself from it.

The most important thing is not to get paralyzed by it but to continue doing the things u love in life 💚. You are not alone!

You are not alone drawing

You are not alone

You are not alone

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